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Motherhood Victories

From pandemic parenting, to remote learning while working from home, Zoom birthday parties, teaching little ones about germs, and raising happy confident little humans, we are grateful to be alongside you on this journey. Join us in taking a pause to celebrate the Tiny Motherhood Victories of a few inspiring moms in our Tiny family.

Liz Teich @thenewyorkstylist

"A tiny victory in my motherhood journey was giving birth in the initial peak of the pandemic (some may say that’s a big victory and others may say, I had no choice!). I was pretty open publicly about my fears and struggles during that time and was able to help give other moms-to-be the strength they needed to get through it with ease, while also helping me find the courage. Despite the challenges and setbacks of that, a year into life with my pandemic baby, it’s only made me a better mom than I was the first time around because I feel like I can accomplish anything (even attempting to balance my inbox and 2 kids!).  I truly believe our babies born during this time are going to be resilient because their mamas are."

Lisa Jean-Francois @lisaalamode

"During the height of the pandemic my husband and I found ourselves yelling more than we’d ever admit. Eventually we turned to online resources to help easing the tension and discontent in our household. We discovered Conscious Parenting, and switching to this parenting model has completely changed our lives. Both kids are happier and so are we! Here’s to gentle and effective parenting."

Akeisha Land @Greyson_Land

"For me, a tiny (HUGE) victory I've had in my motherhood journey has been finally battling my anxiety head on. I've had, and silently dealt with, anxiety my entire life; but it wasn't until COVID hit last year and my anxiety became unbearable that I finally sought help for it. And in doing so it changed who I was as a mother (and wife). My kiddos are getting a better version of me, because I was finally able to accept the help I'd needed all these years. I think it's so important for our children to see us not only have moments of breakdown but then to also see how we recover from those moments. In this I've also noticed that my son, who also has anxiety and OCD's, has not had nearly as many episodes as he had before I got help for my own. So me getting help for my own anxieties helped him with his... that's a HUGE victory for this mama." 

Nikki Burdine @nikkiburdine 

"When thinking about my Tiny Victories, my natural reaction is to talk about my daughter eating all of her dinner or saying a new word. But then I'm reminded of how she started life: Born 3 months early and weighing 1 lb 4oz...and I remember every moment of every day is a big victory for all of us. Since the question is about MY tiny victory; for me, that's getting to be Andi's mom and witnessing a true miracle. Which includes when I make a meal she loves because I know this little girl is growing or when we find the perfect rainy day activity she enjoys because I know she is thriving. Tiny victories for my tiny but mighty girl."

Betsy Fore @betsyfore

"A Tiny motherhood victory I’ve had during this pandemic year was realizing that after being a city girl for my whole adult life, I needed a yard and nature and made the decision to move out of the city and to be closer to family for help. This has brought so much joy as I teach my son how to garden and we get to slow down and enjoy the quiet moments together. Prior to this, I would find the time on weekends going for a long hike or by trying to keep plants alive on our window sill. Through this year I have learned more than ever the importance of family and close friends to help raise up a child. Also, that nature is a great healer and it has been beautiful to see her being reborn during this time of rest and our environment taking a much needed pause so we can envision the planet we want our children to inherit. I have loved teaching my son the life cycle of plants and of course how that translates to his plate with Tiny."

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