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Heavy Metals in Baby Food: A Note From Our Founders

To Our Tiny Community,

You may have read the recent news about heavy metals and toxins found in many grocery store baby food brands. This story was updated after being published a year ago with a new finding from a recent report with Healthy Babies Bright Future. As part of our mission at Tiny, we felt it was important to address this news, point at the facts about the study, and share ways parents can keep this top of mind as we build a future generation to love fruits and vegetables, and prevent chronic diseases later in life. 

The Study 

Healthy Babies Bright Future (HBBF) study tested 288 foods - including popular baby foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, cereal, and bananas - and examined 7000+ additional food tests from other published studies. The report found no evidence to suggest that homemade purees and family brands are generally safer, with lower metal levels, than store-bought baby or family brand foods (defined as pre-packaged foods appropriate for the family and not just babies) are any safer with respect to heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, and inorganic arsenic) than commercial store-bought brands. The study is based on HBBS testing of 288 foods, as well as analysis of food testing data from published studies. 

Moving Forward

Even though only trace amounts of each toxic chemical were found, these small doses can add up over time and become detrimental to your baby’s developing brain. As moms ourselves, this is scary news to digest, however, we do things differently at Tiny that can help put your mind at ease.

Here at Tiny Organics, we are committed to bringing you and your Little One healthy, nutritious meals that support your baby and toddler's developmental growth. We offer only real, whole foods, freshly cooked and fresh-frozen - a safer and more nutritious alternative than highly processed traditional baby and toddler food offerings found in stores.

We are ensuring your little one receives the most nutritious start possible from our meals because:

  • We only use 100% USDA-certified organic ingredients.
  • We regularly perform lab tests by an independent third party to ensure food safety and quality.
  • Our meals are cooked daily in small batches, no heavy machinery or extra processing.

Additional good news is that in this guide to reduce babies’ exposures to toxic heavy metals in their diet, findings showed that fresh frozen vegetables and fruits should be eaten freely (green beans, peas, butternut squash) and unsweetened fruits and baby food brand meats, eggs, soft or pureed meats & beans are also safe. At Tiny, we often hear that parents are implementing our meals with other proteins and or adding in new vegetables. This is important as different methods of rotating vegetables and food fruits are critical to maintain a variety of nutrients for your baby and toddler. 

We truly care about our community and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

You can email us at hello@tinyorganics.com


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