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5 Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Around Water

We look forward to sunny, lazy summer days all year long, but it's important to factor in safety. Water safety is critical whether you have a pool at home, are invited to a pool party, go on a boat, or are heading to the beach.

Water Safety Rules for Children

  1. Make sure children are supervised at all times when they’re around water. If you're at a party, don't assume someone is watching the kids. Instead, make sure to designate shifts to an adult to monitor the pool at all times, and never, ever leave children alone in the pool.
  2. Stay within arm's length of your child. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends providing constant "touch supervision," whether it's bath time or swim time. 
  3. Enroll your child in swim lessons  — they can start as early as age 1! Lessons can result in an 88% reduction in the risk of drowning for children aged 1-4. You can start even earlier if you'd like to simply get your child comfortable in the water. 
  4. Discourage swallowing pool water. It's one of the main ways recreational water illnesses are spread. 
  5. Use sunscreen generously and often. The AAP recommends children wear hats, sunglasses, and cover-ups because their skin is more sensitive. 
Maybe it's your little one's first summer or they have a few under their belt, either way, swimming together is a great way to spend quality time together, teach them a new skill, and just have fun. 

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