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5 Fun Activities To Do With Your Little One in the Winter

Winter can be a tough season for babies and toddlers alike. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative to keep them occupied! Here are 5 fun activities to help your baby beat winter boredom.


Indoor Snowball Fight

It's too cold to go out but you can still have a blast indoors with an indoor snowball fight! Use soft balls or bean bags and you and your baby will have hours of fun throwing them around. 

gentle pillow fight between father and son


Paint Together

Painting is always a great way to express creativity – even at a young age! Grab some kid-friendly paint supplies and get creative together. You’ll both be surprised at what comes out of it.


Fort Building

Who says fort building is just for kids? Gather up some blankets, pillows, chairs– anything you can find –and create the best fort ever! You’re never too old (or young) to enjoy building something unique.

baby building blanket fort

Nature Walks

Even on cold days bundle up in layers, pair those jackets with hats, scarves and gloves and take your baby out into nature. Feel the crisp fresh air while exploring trails nearby; watch the birds chirp away along the way; admire snowflakes turning into snowdrifts – these little moments will make lasting memories with your child.

Creative Crafts

Activities like cutting paper shapes or stringing beads give active minds something constructive to do while staying warm indoors during wintertime months. Let their imagination run wild while getting creative with different crafts like these

crafts with baby

Whatever you decide to do this winter, make sure it’s spent creating lasting memories with your little one!


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